Neighbourhood Centre

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  • Neighbourhood Centre

This model is for entrepreneurs who want to work from home. This can be set-up inside your home. No need of buying any furniture or fixtures. We would be providing tools with activity tables. Just need a space where you can put four tables and 4 children can sit around each one of them.

Catchment area
Catchment area would be children in the neighborhood living within a radius of 2-3 kms. We cannot go far as we are not providing transportation. The age group can vary between 3 to 11 years. Most of them would be going to pre-primary or primary school varying from nursery to grade 5.

All these children can come to the mathematical world of neighborhood centre in after-school-hours. Concepts are introduced using physical tools. Children play or do activities with them. Once they start understanding, children connect it with real world, later they apply the concepts on pen and paper. All this happens in 90 minutes session with children coming twice a week. At home they can practice the same concepts on mobile games.

Impact is phenomenal. In two months’, time children start connecting math to real world. Consequently, children start understanding and loving maths. After 4 months students are able do their homework independently. In 6 months, there is 20% improvement in scores of 80% students.

Experience Centre

Investment Model


Total Are Required

250 Sq Ft



Monthly Income(Y1)
