Math Kit for Class 8

Original price was: ₹9,500.00.Current price is: ₹6,500.00.

Math Kit for Class 8


Set of 7 TLMs for students of 14 to 15 years. Recommended for Grade Eight students.


Geometric Shape Kit | interlocking cubes | Algebraic Tiles | Coordinate board |Probability Kit | Mensuration Kit | Angle Formation Kit | Algebraic Identity Kit | Geo Board


  1. Visualize solid shapes on Geometric Shape kit,
  2. Understand Algebraic expression and identities on Algebraic Identity Kit and Interlocking Cubes.
  3. Discover concept of Factorisation and their expression on Algebraic Tiles.
  4. Learn to represent bar, double and histogram graph on Coordinate Board.
  5. Understand the concept of Probability on Probability Kit.
  6. Discover properties of surface area of shapes on Mensuration Kit.


Math Kit for Class 8


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