Yoga for Kids Intermediate

8,920.00 - 29,752.00

Yoga for Kids Intermediate is for school-going-children between 11 to 17 years

Common Yogic Practices:  Yama and Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Bandha Mudra, Shatkarma/Kriya and Meditation

Personality Development through Yoga:

  • Surya Namaskar
  • Asanas: Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Simhasana, Mandukasana, Uttana-mandukasana, Kukkutasana,  Akarna Dhanurasana, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana , Sarvangasana, Halasana and Shavasana
  • Kriyas: Kapalabhati and Agnisara
  • Pranayama: Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama and Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Bandha: Uddiyana Bandha
  • Dhyana: Meditation

Yoga for Stress Management

  • Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara and Vyavahara
  • Asanas: Hastottanasana, Padahastasana, Trikonasana, Shashankasana, Ushtrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana and Shavasana
  • Kriyas: Kapalabhati
  • Pranayama: Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama and Sheetali Pranayama
  • Yognidra: Body Awareness, Breath Awareness and Coming Back
  • Meditation

Yoga for Healthy Living: Shirshasana, Bakasana, Hamsasana and Mayurasana

Yoga for Kids Intermediate: Specific Objectives 

  1. To help children know and accept individual and collective responsibility for healthy living at home, school and in the community.
  2. To help children know their health status, identify health problems and be informed for taking appropriate remedial measures.
  3. To create awareness among children about rules of safety in appropriate hazardous situations to avoid accidents and injuries. To acquaint them with first-aid measures about common sickness and injuries.
  4. To help children learn correct postural habits in standing, walking, running, sitting and other basic movements so as to avoid postural defects and physical deformities.
  5. To help children improve their neuromuscular coordination through participation in a variety of physical activities in order to physical fitness.
  6. To help children strive for excellence in games and sports.
  7. To provide skills for dealing with psycho-social issues in the school, home and the community
  8. To help children grow as responsible citizens by inculcating in them certain social and moral values through games, sports etc.
  9. To inculcate values and skills in children in order to promote self-control, concentration, peace and relaxation to avoid the ill effects of stress, strain and fatigue of routine everyday life.
  10. To address the physical, psycho-social needs of differently abled children in an integrated fashion.