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Impact on Teachers: Sage to Guide
Shift from ‘sage on the stage’ to ‘guide on the side’. Earlier content was delivered through lecture only. This one-way transmission of content from those who know to those who don’t know. This may not be needed as it available more easily and abundantly virtually through technology. Sage is now free to stand aside, and adopt more of a ‘guiding’ or ‘facilitating’ function
The shift has not minimized the role of the teacher-as-guide. It requires and facilitates numerous new and creative activities on the part of the teacher. In light of the shift, it behooves teachers to facilitate the various information-to-knowledge transformational process for student, to make space for the transformations to happen and to guide students in those pursuits.
Based on lean data evaluation study conducted by Acumen
Evaluation Agency
Lean data study by Acumen
Size of evaluation
Teachers of 27 partner schools
Telephonic interview of teachers
Key findings
62% of teachers reported improved grades of their students
43% of teachers indicated their interest in teaching has improved
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 62%. (More than 60% of teachers are promoters)