Coding for Beginners


Coding for Beginners

This course is perfect for anyone ready to write their first lines of code. Designed for those who are completely new to computer coding, this course will teach you what coding is, how it works, and whether it could become a hobby or work skill. No prior knowledge of coding or computer programming is required, making it ideal for complete beginners. All you need is a desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection. During the course, you’ll install Python from the official source and use the online program Scratch, both of which are free. We’ll guide you through every step, from installation to coding. The course introduces common coding concepts such as how code runs, bugs, pseudo code, decomposing, commenting, common data types, arithmetic and operators, loops, control flow, storing data, lists, and functions.


Coding For Beginners

Syllabus of 3 Month Subscription

Game design and Basic App Development
  • Story Telling & Animation
  • Basic Game Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Basic GUI Apps


Syllabus of 6 Month Subscription

Advanced Game development and UX/UI Design
  • Interactive gaming Apps
  • Arcade Games
  • Space Tech: Theory & Simulation
  • Never Ending Games


Syllabus of 9 Month Subscription

Database and API Integration in Apps
  • Database management
  • Native & Utility Apps
  • Chao Bot Apps
  • Code a satellite Program

After successful completion of Coding for Beginners Curriculum App Development Certificate with detailed assessment report is issued.

This Course is for:

  • Write your first ever lines of code!
  • Take this course if you are completely new to computer coding, and curious about what it is, how it works, and whether you could enjoy coding as a hobby or work skill.
  • This course is not suitable for experienced programmers, who already understand the fundamentals of computer coding.
Requirement of Coding for Beginners Course
  • No prior knowledge of coding or computer programming is required. This is a course aimed at the complete beginner 🙂
  • To complete the interactive elements of the course, you’ll need a desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection.
  • During the course, you’re going to install Python onto your computer. We’ll be downloading it from the official source (it’s free), and don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it – but you will need permission to install a downloaded program on your computer.
  • We’ll also be using an online program called Scratch. It’s also free, and you don’t need to know anything about Scratch before we begin, we’ll walk you through it
Coding for beginners course introduce you to common coding concepts like:
  • How code runs
  • Bugs
  • Pseudo code
  • Decomposing
  • Commenting
  • Common data types
  • Arithmetic & operators
  • Loops
  • Control flow
  • Storing data
  • Lists
  • Functions
 Get ready to code your first app!
  • Plan the app in pseudo code
  • Code a proof of concept in Scratch!
  • Code a Minimum Viable Product in Python
  • We’ll help you get setup in both Scratch and Python for the first time, and help you every step of the way. By the end of the course you’ll be confident enough to keep coding in Scratch and Python on your own
  • As you transition from Scratch into Python, we’ll help you to see that moving from a highly visual coding language (perfect to get started), into a much more powerful text based language (used by companies like LinkedIn and Google), isn’t scary at all! In fact, we think you’ll love it 🙂
We’ll answer questions like:
  • What is code, and why do we need it?
  • Why are there so many coding languages?
  • What’s the difference between coding and programming?
  • What’s the difference between front end and back end coding?
  • Is coding a science or an art?