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Children Review
Pre-School Curriculum

Pre-School Curriculum:
Lecture method doesn’t work in the Pre-school curriculum. Showing PPTs and videos are not effective. You can’t expect a 3-year-old to hear or watch and learn things. Not only eyes and ears but the whole body should be involved in the learning process. We need to work on the physical, mental and socioemotional development of a child. These interdependent yet separate aspects of learning development are very crucial as maximum development of the human mind happens in the early years which is before 6 years.
Vikalp Pre-School Curriculum focus on mental, physical and socioemotional development of children.
Physical Development
There are a range of learning toys and Montessori equipment for physical development of children. Physical development is not limited to the physical growth of children. Picking cubes, inserting discs, practicing on a pre-writing board helps in the development of fine motor skills. Walking besides disc or building a pink tower helps in the development of gross motor skills.
Mental Development
Each concept of Vikalp Preprimary Curriculum is introduced with learning toys.
Children play and discover the concept on their own at their own speed. Learning continues in Mobile Apps where children practice the concepts. Once children start understanding, pen and paper is introduced where children apply their knowledge. This leads to in-depth understanding of the concepts. Child’s knowledge is not limited to reading, writing and math. Children are able to understand, retain and relate it to their everyday life. Children become more curious about knowing things. It enhances their attention span, concentration and creativity.
Socio emotional Development
This development is not limited to good manners, the ability to make friends, and the ability to express preferences. Lot of emphasis is on working in a group, discussing with each other, resolving conflicts and finding solutions. There are group activities where children express emotion and empathize with each other. All this leads to development of leadership skills.