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Development you can observe in your child:
Online School for Class 2 will help your child to attain and excel in age appropriate learning levels in following areas: –

Here’s what your child will get:
Your child will first experience the concept via PHYGITAL solution where best of physical and digital is combined. This includes:
3 Month Subscription
Physical Product :
1 DIY Activity kit
Facilitators Guide for parents
Workbook for children
Activity schedule
Digital Product:
Parent app
Mobile games
Individualised attention during live online classes
6 Month Subscription
Physical products:
2 DIY Activity kit
Facilitators Guide for parents
Workbook for children
Activity schedule
Digital Product:
Parent app
Mobile games
Individualised attention during live online classes
9 Month Subscription
Physical products:
3 DIY Activity kit
Facilitators Guide for parents
Workbook for children
Activity schedule
Digital Product:
Parent app
Mobile games
Individualised attention during live online classes
well Being
- Team spirit/teaches other in group
- Awareness about seasonal veg & fruit
- Demonstrate gross motor fitness
- Precision in fine motor - Appropriate pressure while writing
Explore & know the world around
- Explores about animal, birds & plants
- Identifies common things & activities
- Direction. Location and Map
- Recalls > 6 objects seen at a time
- Missing parts of familiar picture 1
Effective Communication
- Ask question for different purposes
- Interest in stories - talks about characters
- Narrate poems/stories in their own words
- Identifies & creates new 4-5 rhyming words
- Reads, talks & predicts about stories
- Understand events/character & writes
- Talks about characters in stories/poems
- Write using appropriate word, sentence & sound
- Extends story using imagination
- Familiar with words with long vowel
- Able to say tongue twister alliteration
- Compare shapes based on properties
- Comparing numbers using < or > sign
- Place Value Concept
- Double digit addition & subtraction
- Lines & patterns
- Skip Counting
- Day, month year on calendar
- Properties of 2D shapes
- Transaction using money
- Inverse relation between 'A-. and '-'
- Repeated addition - Introduction of multiplication
- Repeated subtraction - Introduction of division
- Word problem in addition & subtraction
- Measurement - Length (non-standard)
- Measurement - Weight (non-standard)
- Measurement - Capacity (non-standard)
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Checklist of Math & Life Skills Development
Unlocking the full potential of your child by focusing on three distinct but interrelated domains: physical, socio-emotional and mental. The list below highlights how age appropriate subscription helps your child. At the age of 5, your child’s level of learning development should attain the following milestones:-
Spatial Understanding
Levels of Learning Development
Able to identify, compare and analyse characteristics of 2D shapes like edges, corners and sides. They also learn about shapes in structures in their environment, like buildings and houses.
How does Vikalp help
Concrete shapes are designed to teach different concepts at different stages. At this stage, activities are devised so that children discover properties of shapes and discern their uniqueness.

Number Sense
Levels of Learning Development
By this age, your child has likely mastered simple addition and subtraction, and will now be able to apply these skills to solve more complicated math problems, like word problems. They will learn place value, work with three-digit numbers, and begin mentally adding and subtracting.
How does Vikalp help
Activities on making numbers, applying concept of addition & subtraction, introducing multiplication, measuring length, capacity, money and time using concrete materials helps children to comprehend and apply mathematical concepts.

Logical Thinking, Problem Solving
Levels of Learning Development
Starts understanding cause and effect and make more in-depth connections (for example, know things like if 6 + 2 = 8, then 8 ‒ 6 = 2)
They begin mentally adding and subtracting up to 2 digits.
How does Vikalp help
While playing with counters children discover the inverse relation between addition and subtraction. This helps in understanding the inter relation between mathematical operation. Repeating addition multiple times leads to understanding of multiplication

Attention Span
Levels of Learning Development
Attention span of this age group is between 25 to 30 minutes. It can be sustained with a small break
in between.
How does Vikalp help
Learning tools keep the children focused on the activity while discovering math concepts simultaneously. This will automatically lead to better understanding and application.

Participation skills
Levels of Learning Development
Start seeing things from other points of view and incorporate that into everyday life. Enjoy being part of a team, group or club. Spend more time with and be easily influenced by peers. Shares knowledge with others. Child should be friendly with peers and respond in classroom activities.
How does Vikalp help
Some of the learning tools require team efforts. Working together in a team to measure length and capacity helps in developing participation skills.

Levels of Learning Development
Comprehend what they’re reading and begin to move from “learning to read” to “reading to learn”. Use writing as a way to express feelings, tell stories and summarize information
Manages emotions better, especially in public situations.
Starts to use self-calming strategies, such as repeating phrases or taking deep breaths, when feeling distressed
How does Vikalp help
Racking brain on problem sum helps children comprehend addition and subtraction situation. Gradually children are able to describe orally the situation that correspond to the given addition and subtraction facts.

Gross Motor Skills
Levels of Learning Development
Gain strength in both big and small muscles; can play and be active for longer periods without getting tiered. Performs movements that are done while standing in place such as twisting, turning, and spinning. Shows improved skill at performing simple chores, such as making their bed or sweeping the floors.
How does Vikalp help
The learning aids keep the children moving around and be active by helping them participate in games. For instance, kids can be asked to take turn and measure length, bring different types of container and measure capacity.

Fine Motor Skills
Levels of Learning Development
Children should be able to copy shapes using geometric simple tools, able to color within the lines, etc
Use the small muscles in hands better. Cutting skills and hand manipulative skills like buttoning, zipping and tying shoelaces improve.
How does Vikalp help
Activities like making lines with match sticks, placing measuring tape, pouring water in containers and sliding scales helps in developing fine motor skills.

Why it is a speciality product

Methodology has gone through following five stages
Usability Test
Continuous Evolution

Child friendly
Edges are round. Material which can hurt is avoided. It’s not harmful even if a child tries to chew the product as soya-based ink of SATAKA INK has been used for printing.

Eco Concern
Reduce: Reduce: Usage of plastic is minimal. Small amount of recyclable PP sheets has been used.
Recycle: Corrugated sheets & Soya-based ink is used so that materials can be recycled.
Questions? Call us at : +91-9910074585
Class 2 Online School is in sync with New Education Policy of 2020
Activity-Based-Learning with Learning Tools
Within the framework of this E-Learning Class 2 Course, students are provided with more than just video content. Our educators leverage a diverse range of innovative learning tools to facilitate active engagement and concept discovery in their online classes. Students have the opportunity to interact with a wide array of learning aids, including materials like Abacus and Geo board, which are conveniently shipped to their homes.
Mobile App for Practice and Reinforcement in Class 2 Online School
The learning journey seamlessly continues through a dedicated mobile app designed for Class 2 students. Here, children can practice and reinforce their newfound knowledge. This app offers interactive exercises and games meticulously designed to enhance retention and comprehension.
Application through Coursebooks, Readers, and Workbooks
As students develop a solid understanding, they are gradually introduced to pen-and-paper. Through a comprehensive range of oral and written exercises, available in coursebooks, readers, and workbooks, students apply and consolidate their understanding. These essential materials are thoughtfully shipped to their homes.
Handwriting in Online School in Class 2
Handwriting is practised in a set of two books. First is the introduction to Cursive Small Letters. Second is an introduction to Cursive Capital Letters. Words and sentences are introduced. Distance between lines throughout the four-line book, are .4 cm apart to help children keep the designs within certain definite limits.
Phonics-Based Reading in Our Online School for Class 2
A standout feature of this E-Learning program for Class 2 is its commitment to Phonics-Based Reading in Class 2 Online Study. Special emphasis is placed on speech and pronunciation, making the process of learning to read both enjoyable and effective. Students become proficient in recognizing and working with words that contain long vowels, strengthening their reading skills.
Enrollments in Online School in Class 2
This online learning program for Grade 2 has been an excellent choice for home schooling or distance learning, with over 2 lakh students enrolled. The results have been nothing short of remarkable, with students showcasing significant improvements in their learning and overall comprehension. Click to know more
Syllbus of Class 2 Online School
Online learning for Grade 2 students is based on New Education Policy 202O. The syllabus of Class 2 Online class is based on National Curriculum Framework followed by the National Education Boards in India – CBSE, CISCE and NIOS. Teacher conducts live interactive online classes based on the lesson plans of the Grade 2 Curriculum. This Distance Learning for Grade 2 is arguably the best learning program for 6 OR 7-year-olds as it is completely experiential and suitable for home schooling. The impact has been phenomenal, with students showing significant improvement in their learning and understanding. Click to know more.