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Class 11 Online School is an accredited school. Are you looking for an Online school where your child can attend classes from the comfort of their home? If your answer is yes, you have come to the right place. We are the most popular Online Senior Secondary School which can provide the best education and valid certificate to your child?
Class 11 Online School offers the Senior Secondary Program. It follows the National Curriculum Framework 2023. Students are offered options to choose their board for their 12th Board Examination. They can either choose CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) or NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling). Both the Boards are recognized by the Government of India. CBSE is more popular and is followed by most Public Schools in India. These are regular physical schools. NIOS is an “Open School” which caters to the needs of a heterogeneous group of students up to the pre-degree level. It was started as a project with in-built flexibilities by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in 1979.
NIOS operates through more than 7400 Study Centers spread all over India and abroad. It also has study centers for Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Nepal, Canada, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States of America.
After completion of Grade 10, each student has to select either CBSE or NIOS Board. Subjects offered for each Board are as below: –

CBSE Subscription
Physical Product :
CBSE Books
Activity schedule
Digital Product:
Parent app
Individualised attention during live online classes
NIOS Subscription
Physical products:
NIOS Books
Workbook for children
Activity schedule
Digital Product:
Parent app
Individualised attention during live online classes
In the CBSE Senior Secondary Curriculum (Class 11th and 12th, Vikalp offers various additional subjects along with main subjects. In CBSE Curriculum for Class 11 and 12 there are a total five compulsory subjects including two languages and three main subjects. All of these five subjects are compulsory to study at Senior Secondary Level. These includes: –
Subject 1
Hindi Core or English Core
Subject 2
Any one Language from Language Group – L, not opted as Subject 1 or Any one Subject from Academic Subjects (Subject Group A)
Subject 3, 4, & 5
Any 3 Subjects can be opted from Academic Subjects (Subject Group A)
Additional Subject
Subject 6
Any one subject from any Subject Group (Group A or L) not opted above
Internal Assessment
Subject 7
Work Experience, Health & Physical Education, General Studies
English (Core), Hindi (Core), Sanskrit (Core), Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Arabic, French, German, Spanish.
History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical Education, Painting, Business Studies, Accountancy, Computer science, Entrepreneurship, Carnatic Music (Vocal) or Hindustani Music (Vocal), Kathak or Bharatnatyam Dance.
- Hindi or English must be one of the two languages to be studied in class XI and XII. Hindi and English can also be offered simultaneously.
- For candidates who take 6 subjects (5 main and 1 additional subject) and pass in all 6 subjects, the percentage is to be calculated by the employer/institution/university according to the norms of the employer/institution/university in which the candidate will be seeking admission.
If a student has taken 6 subjects, and if he/she fails in any one of first five subjects, the same will be replaced by the 6th subject provided the candidate satisfies the scheme of studies i.e. after replacement either Hindi or English remains as one of the main five subjects.
CBSE Grade 11 Curriculum
Unit-I: Sets and Functions
- Sets and their representations (20) Periods
- Relations & Functions (20) Periods
- Trigonometric Functions (20) Periods
Unit-II: Algebra
- Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations (10) Periods
- Linear Inequalities (10) Periods
- Permutations and Combinations (10) Periods
- Binomial Theorem (10) Periods
- Sequence and Series (10) Periods
Unit-III: Coordinate Geometry
- Straight Lines (15) Periods
- Conic Sections (25) Periods
- Introduction to Three-dimensional Geometry (10) Periods
Unit-IV: Calculus
- Limits and Derivatives (40) Periods
Unit-V Statistics and Probability
- Statistics (20) Periods
2. Probability (20) Periods
Unit I: Physical World and Measurement 08 Periods
Chapter–2: Units and Measurements
Unit II: Kinematics 24 Periods
Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line
Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane
Unit III: Laws of Motion 14 Periods
Chapter–5: Laws of Motion
Unit IV: Work, Energy and Power 14 Periods
Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power
Unit V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body 18 Periods
Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Unit VI: Gravitation 12 Periods
Chapter–8: Gravitation
Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter 24 Periods
Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Unit VIII: Thermodynamics 12 Periods
Chapter–12: Thermodynamics
Unit IX: Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases 08 Periods
Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory
Unit X: Oscillations and Waves 26 Periods
Chapter–14: Oscillations
Chapter–15: Waves
Unit I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 18 Periods
Unit II: Structure of Atom 20 Periods
Unit III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 12 Periods
Unit IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 20 Periods
Unit VI: Chemical Thermodynamics 23 Periods
Unit VII: Equilibrium 20 Periods
Unit XII: Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques 20 Periods
Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons 18 Periods
- Basic Laboratory Techniques
- Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances
- Experiments based on pH
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Quantitative Estimation
F. Qualitative Analysis
Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms
Chapter-1: The Living World
Chapter-2: Biological Classification
Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom
Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom
Unit-II Structural Organization in Animals and Plant
Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals
Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life
Chapter-9: Biomolecules
Chapter-10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Unit-IV Plant Physiology
Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Chapter-14: Respiration in Plants
Chapter-15: Plant – Growth and Development
Unit-V Human Physiology
Chapter-17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Chapter-18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Chapter-19: Excretory Products and their Elimination
Chapter-20: Locomotion and Movement
Chapter-21: Neural Control and Coordination
Chapter-22: Chemical Coordination and Integration
Part A: Financial Accounting-1
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework (25 Periods)
- Introduction to Accounting
- Theory Base of Accounting
Unit-2: Accounting Process (115 Periods)
Recording of Business Transactions
Bank Reconciliation Statement:
Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
Trial balance and Rectification of Errors
Part B: Financial Accounting-II
Unit-3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 60 24
Part C: Project Work
Part A Foundations of Business
1 Nature and Purpose of Business (18 Period)
2 Forms of Business Organisations (24 Period)
3 Public, Private and Global Enterprises (18 Period)
4 Business Services (18 Period)
5 Emerging Modes of Business (10 Period)
6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics (12 Period)
Part B Finance and Trade
7 Sources of Business Finance (30 Period)
8 Small Business (16 Period)
9 Internal Trade (30 Period)
10 International Business (14 Period)
Project Work (30 Period)
Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation
- Basic Computer Organisation: Introduction to computer system, hardware, software, input device,
output device, CPU, memory (primary, cache and secondary), units of memory (Bit, Byte, KB, MB,
- Types of software: system software (operating systems, system utilities, device drivers),
programming tools and language translators (assembler, compiler & interpreter), application
- Operating system (OS): functions of operating system, OS user interface
- Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, truth table, De Morgan’s laws and logic circuits
- Number system: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal number system; conversion between
number systems.
- Encoding schemes: ASCII, ISCII and UNICODE (UTF8, UTF32)
Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1
- Introduction to problem solving: Steps for problem solving (analysing the problem, developing an
algorithm, coding, testing and debugging). representation of algorithms using flow chart and
pseudo code, decomposition
- Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: Introduction to Python, features of
Python, executing a simple “hello world” program, execution modes: interactive mode and script
mode, Python character set, Python tokens (keyword, identifier, literal, operator, punctuator),
variables, concept of l-value and r-value, use of comments
- Knowledge of data types: number (integer, floating point, complex), boolean, sequence (string,
list, tuple), none, mapping (dictionary), mutable and immutable data types
- Operators: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operator,
augmented assignment operators, identity operators
(is, is not), membership operators(in, not in)
- Expressions, statement, type conversion & input/output: precedence of operators, expression,
evaluation of expression, python statement, type conversion (explicit & implicit conversion),
accepting data as input from the console and displaying output
- Errors: syntax errors, logical errors, runtime errors
- Flow of control: introduction, use of indentation, sequential flow, conditional and iterative flow
- Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else, flowcharts, simple programs: e.g.: absolute value,
sort 3 numbers and divisibility of a number
- Iterative statements: for loop, range function, while loop, flowcharts, break and continue
statements, nested loops, suggested programs: generating pattern, summation of series, finding
the factorial of a positive number etc
- Strings: introduction, indexing, string operations (concatenation, repetition, membership &
slicing), traversing a string using loops, built-in functions: len(), capitalize(), title(), lower(), upper(),
count(), find(), index(), endswith(), startswith(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isupper(),
isspace(), lstrip(), rstrip(), strip(), replace(), join(), partition(), split()
- Lists: introduction, indexing, list operations (concatenation, repetition, membership & slicing),
traversing a list using loops, built-in functions: len(), list(), append(), extend(), insert(), count(),
index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); nested lists, suggested
programs: finding the maximum, minimum, mean of numeric values stored in a list; linear search
on list of numbers and counting the frequency of elements in a list
- Tuples: introduction, indexing, tuple operations (concatenation, repetition, membership & slicing),
built-in functions: len(), tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); tuple assignment,
nested tuple, suggested programs: finding the minimum, maximum, mean of values stored in a
tuple; linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the frequency of elements in a tuple
- Dictionary: introduction, accessing itemsin a dictionary using keys, mutability of dictionary (adding
a new item, modifying an existing item), traversing a dictionary, built-in functions: len(), dict(),
keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del, clear(), fromkeys(), copy(), pop(), popitem(),
setdefault(), max(), min(), count(), sorted(), copy(); suggested programs : count the number of
times a character appears in a given string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of
employees, their salary and access them
- Introduction to Python modules: Importing module using ‘import <module>’ and using from
statement, Importing math module (pi, e,sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, fabs, sin, cos, tan); random module
(random, randint, randrange), statistics module (mean, median, mode)
Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics
- Digital Footprints
- Digital society and Netizen: net etiquettes, communication etiquettes, social media etiquettes
- Data protection: Intellectual Property Right (copyright, patent, trademark), violation of IPR
(plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark infringement), open source softwares and
licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache)
- Cyber-crime: definition, hacking, eavesdropping, phishing and fraud emails, ransomware,
preventing cyber crime
- Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, cyber trolls and
- Safely accessing web sites: malware, viruses, trojans, adware
- E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets
- Indian Information Technology Act (IT Act)
- Technology & Society: Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers
- Practical
Lab Test, Python program, Report File + Viva
- Entrepreneurship: Concept and Functions
- An entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurial Journey
- Entrepreneurship as Innovation and Problem Solving
- Understanding the Market
- Business Finance and Arithmetic
- Resource Mobilization
Steps involved in the conduct of the project:
- Choose a title/topic
- Collection of the research material/data
- Organization of material/data
- Present material/data
- Analysing the material/data for conclusion
- Draw the relevant conclusion
Presentation of the Project Work
Introduction to World History
Section A: Early Societies
- Introduction
- Writing and City Life
Section B: Empires
- Introduction
- An empire across three continents
- Nomadic Empires 20 10
Section C: Changing Traditions Introduction
- The Three Orders
- Changing Cultural Traditions
Section D: Paths to Modernization
- Introduction
- Displacing Indigenous People
Paths To Modernization
Part A: Indian Constitution at Work
- Constitution: Why and How, The Making of the Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, constitutional Amendments.
- Election and Representation: Elections and Democracy, Election System in India, Electoral Reforms.
- Legislature: Why do we need a Parliament? Unicameral / Bicameral Legislature. Functions and Power of the Parliament, Parliamentary committees. Parliamentary Officials: Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Parliamentary Secretary.
- Executive: What is an Executive? Different Types of Executives. Parliamentary Executive in India, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. Permanent Executive: Bureaucracy.
- Judiciary: Why do we need an Independent Judiciary? Structure of the Judiciary, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Judicial Over-reach.
- Federalism: What is Federalism? Evolution & Growth of the Indian Federalism: Quasi Federalism, Cooperative Federalism & Competitive Federalism.
- Local Governments: Why do we need Local Governments? Growth of Local Government in India, 73rd and 74th Amendments, Working and Challenges of Local Governments.
Part B: Political Theory
- Political Theory: An Introduction What is Politics? Politics V/s Political Theory, Importance of Political Theory.
- Liberty: Liberty V.s Freedom, Negative and Positive Liberty.
- Equality: What is Equality? Significance of Equality. Various dimensions of Equality. How can we promote Equality?
- Justice: What is Justice? Different dimensions of Justice, Distributive Justice.
- Rights: What are Rights? Where do Rights come from? Legal Rights and the State. Kinds of Rights. Human Rights.
- Citizenship: What is citizenship? Citizen and Citizenship, Citizen and Nation, Global Citizenship
- Nationalism: Nations and Nationalism, Variants of Nationalism, Nationalism, Pluralism and Multiculturalism.
Secularism: What is Secularism? What is Secular State? The Western and the Indian perspectives to Secularism. Salient Features of Indian Secularism.
Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
- Geography as a discipline
- The Earth
- Landforms
- Climate
- Water (Oceans)
- Life on the Earth
- Map and diagram
Part B: India-Physical Environment
- Introduction
- Physiography
- Climate and Natural Vegetation
- Natural hazards and disasters
- Map and Diagram
- Fundamentals of Maps
- Topographic Maps
Practical Record Book and Viva
Part A: Statistics for Economics
- Introduction
- Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
- Statistical Tools and Interpretation
Part B: Introductory Microeconomics
- Introduction
- Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand
- Producer Behaviour and Supply
- Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications
Part C: Project in Economics
- What is Psychology?
- Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
- Human Development
- Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes
- Learning
- Human Memory
- Thinking
- Motivation and Emotion
- Project File
- Viva Voce (Project and experiments)
One experiment
Part A: Introducing Sociology
- Sociology, Society and its relationship with other Social Science disciplines
- Terms, concepts and their use in Sociology
- Understanding Social Institutions
- Culture and Socialization
Part B: Understanding Society
- Social Change and Social order in Rural and Urban Society
- Introducing Western Sociologists
- Indian Sociologists
Part C: Project Work
Unit I Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education
Unit II Olympism
Unit III Yoga
Unit IV Physical Education & Sports
Unit V Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness
Unit VI Test, Measurement & Evaluation
Unit VII Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports
Unit VIII Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports
Unit IX Psychology & Sports
Unit X Training and Doping in Sports
- Physical Fitness Test:
- Proficiency in Games and Sports
- Yogic Practices
- Record File
- Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga)
- Pre-historic rock paintings and art of Indus Valley
- Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art
- Temple Sculptures, Bronzes and Artistic aspects of Indo-Islamic architecture
- Nature and Object Study
- Painting Composition
Portfolio Assessment
- Brief of the following Nada, Shruti, Swar, Saptak, Thaat, Jati, Laya, Tala. Brief study of the following: Margi- Desi, Raga
- Brief History of the following Dhrupad, Khayal and Tarana
- Brief study of Musical Elements in Natya Shastra. Life sketch and contribution of Tansen, V.N. Bhatkhande and V.D.Paluskar
- Description of Prescribed Talas along with Tala Notation with Thah, Dugun and Chaugun Teentala · Ektala · Chautala. Knowledge of the Structure of Tanpura
- Critical study of Prescribed Ragas along with Recognizing Ragas from phrases of Swaras and elaborating them excluding Raga Jaunpuri. Writing in natation the compositions of Prescribed Ragas Bihag Bhimpalasi · Bhairavi
- One vilambit Khayal with simple elaborations and few tanas in any one of the prescribed Ragas.
- One Drut Khayal with simple elaboration and few tanas in the following Ragas- bihag, Bhairavi and Bhimpalasi.
- One Dhrupad with Dugun in any one of the prescribed Ragas.
- One DevotionalSongs.
- Ability to recognize the prescribed Ragas from the phrases of Swaras rendered by the Examiner.
Recitation of the Thekas of Teentala, Chautala and Ektala with Dugun and Chaugun, keeping Tala with hand beats.
- (i) An Outline knowledge of the following Lakshana Grantha Natyasastra, and Chaturdandi Prakasika.
(ii) Short Life-sketch and contributions of the following composers- Purandaradasa, Tyagaraja, Muthuswamy Dikshitar, Syama Sastri, and Swati Tirunal
(iii) A Study of the lakshanas of musical forms: Varnam, kriti, Kirtana, Svarajati,
- Definition and explanation of the following terms: Nada, sruti, vadi:- samvadi:- vivadi:- Anuvadi:- Amsa, Nyasa, jaati, raga, tala, jati, yati, Dhatu, Matu
- Candidate should be able to write in notation of the Varnams in the prescribed ragas
- Brief lakshanas of the ragas prescribed.Excluding Dhanyasi ,Bhairavi & Kambhoji
- Brief introduction to Manodharma Sangitam
- VI Talas Prescribed:- Adi, Roopaka, Misra & Khanda chapu
- Ragas prescribed: Sankarabharanam, Kharaharapriya, Kalyani, Mohanam, Bilahari, Madhyamavati, Arabhi, Anandabhairavi, Kanada, Vasanta & Simhendra Madhyamam
- Varnams (atleast 2) in Adi tala in two degrees of speed.
- Kriti/Kirtana in the prescribed ragas covering the main talas Adi, Rupakam.
- Brief alapana of the ragas prescribed.
Kalpana Svarasin Adi and Rupaka tala srendered in two degrees of speed
- A brief history of Indian Dance.
- Acquaintance with the themes of RAMAYANA-names of all Kandas, (Sita
swayamvaram, Rama vanagamanam, Surpanakha prasangam, Sita haranam,
Choodamani pradanam).BHAGAVATA PURANA – names of all Skandas
(Sadhana Skanda Dashavatar, Purushartha Skanda – Daksha, Dhruva, Sthiti
Skanda – The story of Manu and the description of the world, Vasan Skanda –
Prahlada and Nirodha Skanda – Birth and life of Krishna). GITA GOVINDA –
(Samoda Damodaram – Lalita lavangalata, Haririha, Aklesha Keshava – Rase
harim iha, Mugdha Madhusudana – hari hari hatadarataya Vilakshya Lakshmipatih
– yahi madhava Chatura Chaturbhuja – priye charushile: Sanjeevani ashtapadi).
Acquaintance with other myths and legends pertinent to the Dance form, The
Cosmic dance of Siva and significance of Nataraja, The story of Mahishasura
Mardini, The legend ofGanesha.
- A history of Bharatanatyam: Mythological reference from the Natyotpatti in the
Abhinaya Darpanam, evolution of the different schools of Bharatanatyam –
Tanjavur, Pandanallur and Vazhuvur, contribution of the Tanjore quartet and the
present repertoire structure of the dance form.
- Acquaintance with its repertoire and literary contents: Definition of the musical
terms used in dancePushpanjali, Mallari, Kautuvam, Alaripu, Jatiswaram,
Shabdam, Varnam, Keertanam, Padam, Ashtapadi, Javali and Thillana.
- Distinctive aspects of Bharatanatyam: Costume and jewelry, Language and music
style, Technical aspects of performance, Basicposture.
- Practice of basic standing and sitting positions: Pada and mandalabhedas.
- Practice of stretching, rotation and flexing of different parts of the body-head,
neck, shoulders, arms, waist, hips, knees, ankles,feet.
- Practice of different movement of the head, eyes and neck: Shiro, Drishti and
Greeva bheda.
- Adavus in Trikala:
(i) Tattu adavus 8
(ii) Nattu adavus 8
(iii) Ta tei tei ta adavus 4
(iv) Kudittu mettu adavus 4
(v) Tei ya teiyi standing adavus 2
(vi) Tat tei ta ha adavus 4
(vii) Tat tei Tarn adavus 4
(viii) Kattu adavu and allied utplavanaadavus 4
(ix) Tadhinginatom
(x) Kitatakatarikitatom
(xi) Mandiadavu 2
(xii) Sarukkai adavu 2
(xiii) Simple Korvais (knitting together of adavus in sequence with an aradhi or
finish) in Adi talam for 1-2avartana
(xiv) Simple forward and backward gaits in Tisra and Chatusra (count of 3 and4)
(xv) Alarippu-Tisra EkaTalam
(xvi) Tala-Adi talam and Rupaka talam with hastakriya and ability to repeat the
adavu syllabi in Trikala in the appropriate talam.
- A brief history of Indian dance.
- Acquaintance with the themes of Ramayana, Mahabharataa, Bhagvata Purana
and Gita Govinda in context of Kathak. Acquaintance with other myths and
legends pertinent to the dance drama or gat bhaav like Kalia daman, Govardhan
lila, Panghatlila, Draupadi cheer haran, Makhan chori, Marich vadh, Bhasmasur
vadh, Madan dahan,etc.
- A brief history of Kathak dance.
(a) Reference from ancient text (vedic, puranic, epics and other scriptures).
evolution of Kathak dance in Pracheen kal/Mandir kal (kathavachak and Rasdhar
tradition, etc.) Madhya kal/ Darbarkal, Adhunik kal covering British and post
independent era till the present time.
- Acquaintance with its repertoire.
Rang pravesh / invocation, compositions (Bandish) from traditional technical
dance part of kathak. Literary contents – abhinay, bhajans, thumri, dadra, ghazals,
dhrupad, kavit, etc. Rhythmic musical composition like Tarana, Tirvat,
- Distinctive aspects of Kathak (using of ghungrus, chakkars, upaj, costume,etc.
- Ability to write notation of teental and jhaptal (thah, dugun,chaugun).
- Definition and short explanation: Nritta, Nritya, Natya, Tandava, Lasya, Anga,
Upanga, Pratyanga.
- Practice of basic standing position and various patterns of Tatkar.
- Practice of exercise of different parts of the human body particularly anga, pratyanga,
- Practice of exercise of ten different movement {hastak} chakkars in teen taal in thah,
dugun, chaudganlaya.
- Prahant of teentaal, jhap taal with hast kriya in thah, dugun, chaugun.
- Practice of tatkar set to teental in a slower tempo (thah laya) and in its double
(dugun) and four times (chaugun).
- The student should know the following compositions:
(a) Thaat 1
(b) Aamad 2
(c) Fast Aamad (tez aamad) 2
(d) Vandana 1
(e) Tukra/Toda 4
(f) Natwari ka tukra 4
(g) Gatnikaas 3
(h) Gatbhaav 1
(i) Paran 4
(j) Tihaayi 4
(k) Ladi/laya Baant 2
(l) Parhant of tukda /toda with hasta kriya 2
In NIOS Curriculum for Senior Secondary (Class 11th and 12th), Vikalp offers a total of five compulsory subjects including one or two languages. Subjects are divided into 6 groups: Group A, B, C, D, E and F.
Students can choose any five Subjects with either one or two languages from Group A and the remaining subjects from Group B, C, D, E and F. He/she can take more than one subject from Group A and B. However, there is a limitation: Only one Subject from each group C, D, E and F can be opted.
If a student wants to take more than 5 subjects. He/she can take additional two subjects from any Group with additional fees. However, this also has the same limitation: only one Subject from each group C, D, E and F can be opted.
Group A
Group B
Business Studies
Data Entry Operations
Group C
Group D
Political Science
Group E
Group F
Computer Science
NIOS Grade 11 Curriculum
Module-I: Sets, Relations and Functions
- Sets
- Relations and Functions-I
- Trigonometric Functions-I
- Trigonometric Functions-II
- Relation between Sides and Angles of A triangle
Module- ll: Sequences and Series
- Sequences and Series
- Some Special Sequences
Module-III: Algebra-I
- Complex Numbers
- Quadratic Equations and Linear Inequalities
- Principle of Mathematical Induction
- Permutations and Combinations
- Binomial Theorem
Module-IV: Co-ordinate Geometry
- Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
- Straight Lines
- Circles
- Conic Sections
Module-V: Statistics and Probability
- Measures of Dispersion
- Random Experiments and Events
- Probability
Module-VI: Algebra-II
- Matrices
- Determinants
- Inverse of a Matrix and its Applications
Module- VII: Relations and Functions
- Relations and Functions-II
- Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Module- VIII: Calculus
- Limits and Continuity
- Differentiation
- Differentiation of Trigonometric functions
- Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic functions
- Application of Derivatives
- Integration
- Definite Integrals
- Differential Equations
Module-IX: Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry
- Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
- Vectors
- Plane
- Straight Line
Module-X: Linear Programming and Mathematical Reasoning
- Linear Programming
38. Mathematical Reasoning
Module 1: Force and Energy
- Units Dimensions and Vectors
- Motion in a Straight Line
- Laws of Motion
- Motion in a Plane
- Gravitation
- Work, Energy and Power
- Motion of a Rigid Body
Module 2: Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
- Elastic Properties of Solids
- Properties of Fluids
Module 3. Thermal Physics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Heat Transfer and Solar Energy
- Thermodynamics
Module 4: Oscillations and Waves
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Wave Phenomena
Module 5: Electricity and Magnetism
- Electric Charge and Electric Field
- Electric Potential and Capacitors
- Electric Current
- Magnetism and Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Module 6: Optics and Optical Instruments
- Reflection and Refraction of Light
- Optical Instruments
- Dispersion and Scattering of Light
- Wave Phenomena and Light
Module 7. Atoms and Nuclei
- Structure of Atoms
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Nuclei and Radioactivity
- Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Module 8: Semiconductor Devices and Communication
- Semiconductors and Semiconducting Devices
- Applications of Semiconductor Devices
Communication System
Module I: Some Basic concepts of Chemistry
- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic
Module II: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
- Periodic Table and Periodicity in Properties
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding
Module III: States of Matter
- The Gaseous State and Liquid State
- The Solid State
- Solutions
- Colloidal
Module VI: Chemical Energetics
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Spontaneity of Chemical Reactions
Module V: Chemical Dynamics
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Ionic Equilibrium
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Adsorption and Catalysis
- General Characteristics of p-Block Elements
Module VI: Chemistry of Elements
- Occurrence and Extraction of Metals
- P-Block Elements and Their Compounds-I
- Hydrogen and s-Block Elements
- P-Block Elements and their Compounds-II
- D-Block and f-Block Elements
- Coordination Compounds
Module VII: Chemistry of Organic Compounds
- Nomenclature and General Principles
- Hydrocarbons
- Compounds of Carbon Containing Halogens
- Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
- Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
- Compounds of Carbon Containing Nitrogen
- Biomolecules
Module VIII: Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Drugs and Medicines
- Soaps, Detergents and Polymers
- Environmental Chemistry
Module-I: Diversity and Evolution of Life
- Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification
- The Kingdom Monera, Protoctista and Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae and Animalia
- Cell Structure and Function
- Tissues and other Level of Organization
Module-II: Forms and Functions of Plants and Animals
- Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants
- Nutrition in plants – Mineral Nutrition
- Nutrition and Digestion
- Respiration and Elimination of Nitrogenous Wastes
- Locomotion and Movement
- Homeostasis: The Steady State
- Root system
- Shoot system
- Nitrogen Metabolism
- Photosynthesis
- Respiration in Plants
- Circulation of Body Fluids
- Coordination and Control – The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Module-III: Reproduction and Heredity
- Growth and Development in Plants
- Genetics and Society
- Reproduction in Plants
- Reproduction and Population Control
- Principles of Genetics
- Molecular Inheritance and Gene Expression
Module- IV: Environment and Health
- Conservation and Use of Natural Resources
- Pollution
- Some Common Human Diseases
- Principles of Ecology
- Nutrition and Health
Module- V: Emerging Areas in Biology
- Immunobiology: An Introduction
- Biotechnology
Model 1. Introduction to Business
- Nature and scope of Business
- Support services
- Forms of Business
- Business Environment
- Company Form of Business
Model 2. Business Management and its Functions
- Fundamentals of Management L-7. Planning and Organising
- Staffing and Directing
- Co-ordination and Controlling
Model 3. Business Finance
- Financial Planning and Management
- Short Term Sources of Finance
- Long Term Sources of Finance
- Financial Markets
Model 4. Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Marketing Mix
- Advertising and Salesmanship
- Consumer Protection
Model 5. Trade
- Internal Trade
- External Trade
Model 6. Avenues in Business and Employment
- Job Employment
- Skill Development
- Modern Modes of Business
- Self-Employment
Module 1: Basic Computing
- Computer Fundamentals
- Binary Logic
- Computer Software
- Operating System
- Data Communication and Networking
- Communications on Internet Emailing
Module 2: Office Automation
- Digital Documentation
- Spreadsheets
- Digital Presentation
- Open Source Resources
Module 3. Programming in C++ L 12- Introduction to C++
- Basic Concepts of OOP
- Control Statements
- Functions
- Array
- Structure, Typedef & Enumerated Data Type
- Classes & Objects with Constructors/Destructors
- Inheritance – Extending Classes
- Pointer
- Files
Module 4. Database Concepts, Web Designing
- Fundamentals of Data Structure
- New Trends in Computing
- Database Management System
- Web Designing using HTML
- Inserting images & Lists in a Web page
Module 5: Professional Skills
- Project Management Skills
- Entrepreneurship Skills
- Professional Communication Skills
Module 1. Ancient India
- Understanding Indian History
- The Geographical Setting and prehistoric cultures of India.
- From Janapadas to Empire
- India Between AD 750–1200
- Post Mauryan Developments
- The Guptas and Their Successors (A.D.300–750)
- The Harappan Civilization
- The Vedic Age (1500 BC–600BC)
Module 2. Medieval India
- Emergence of Regional States in India: Twelfth to Eighteenth Century
- Economy of Medieval India
- Understanding Eighteenth Century India
- Establishment and Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate
- Establishment of the Mughal Rule
- Administrative System and Institutions
- Cultural Developments in Medieval India
Module 3. Modern India
- Economic changes
- Establishment of British rule in India till 1857
- Social changes
- Popular resistance to company rule
Module 4. Indian National Movement and Contemporary India
- Nationalism
- National Movement & Indian Democracy
- 20th Century World
- Legacy of 19th Century
- National Liberation Movements
- Social Transformation in the Twentieth Century
- World War I and the Russian Revolution.
- The Inter War Period and the Second World War
- Cold war and its effects
- Changes in the Twentieth Century
Module 5. Evolution of States in India or Culture in India
- Towards Formation of State
- Early States
- Colonial State
- Contemporary Cultural Situation
- Cultural Production
- Medieval States
- Cultural Communication
Module 1: Individual and The State
- Meaning and Scope of Political Science
- Nation and State
- Distinction Between Society, Nation, State and Government
- Major Political Theories
Module 2: Aspects of the Constitution of India
- Preamble and the Salient Features of The Constitution of India
- Fundamental Rights
- Indian Federal System
- Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties
- Emergency Provisions
Module 3: Structure of Government
- The Executive in The States
- State Legislature
- Union Executive
- Parliament of India
- Supreme Court of India
- High Courts and Subordinate Courts
- Local Government: Urban and Rural
Module 4: Democracy at Work
- Universal Adult Franchise and The Methods of Representation
- Electoral System in India
- National Political Parties
- Regionalism and Regional Parties
- Public Opinion and Pressure Group
Module 5: Major Contemporary Issues
- Communalism, Caste and Reservations
- Environmental Awareness
- Good Governance
- Human Rights
Module 6: India and the World
- India’s Foreign Policy
- India’s Relations with USA And Russia
- India and Its Neighbors: China, Pakistan, And Sri Lanka
Module 7. World Order and the United Nations
- Contemporary World Order
- United Nations
- United Nations Peace Activities
- United Nations and Economic and Social Development
Module 8. Administrative System in India
- Public Service Commissions
- Administrative Machinery at The Centre, States and District Levels
- Political Executive and Bureaucracy
- Public Grievances and Redressal Machinery
Module 1. The study of Geography as a discipline
- Nature and subject matter of Geography
Module 2. Dynamic and Geomorphic
- Processes of the Earth
- Endogenic Forces
- Running water, moving ice, wind and sea waves
Module 3: Exogenic Forces and their resultant landforms
- The domain of the water on the earth
- Hydrological Cycle and Ocean
Module 4. Dynamics of Atmosphere
- Structure and composition; Insolation
- Humidity and precipitation
- Atmospheric pressure and winds
- Climate and Climate Change
Module 5. Biogeography and Biodiversity
- Biosphere, Biomes and Biodiversity
- Physical Geography of India
- Natural Hazards and Disasters
- Physical Settings
- Climate
- Natural resources, Utilisation and Management
- Land and Soil Resources
- Forests and Biodiversity
- Water Resources
- Economic Geography of India
- Major Industries and Industrial Complexes
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Mineral and Energy Resources
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),
- Transport, Communication and Trade
- Human resource development in India
- Population Growth and Distribution
- Population Composition
- Human Development
- Contemporary Issues and Challenges
- Environment, Health and Sanitation
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Overview of Indian Economy
- Economic Planning in India
- Economic Growth and Economic
- The Problem of Unemployment, Poverty and Inequality
- Meaning, Scope and its Need in Economics
- Collection and Classification of Data
- Presentation of Data
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Dispersion –
- Correlation Analysis
- Index Numbers
- Introduction to the study of Economics
- Central Problems of an Economy
- Consumer’s Equilibrium
- Demand
- Price Elasticity of Demand
- Production Function
- Cost of Production
- Supply
- Price Elasticity of Supply
- Forms of Market
- Price Determination Under Perfect Competition
- Revenue and Profit Maximization of a Competitive
- National Income and related Aggregates
- National Income and its Measurement
- Consumption, Saving and Investment
- Theory of Income Determination
- Money and Banking
- Government and the Budget
Module I: Foundations of Psychology
- Psychology: Understanding Self and Others
- How Psychologists Study?
- Biological and Cultural Shaping of Mind and Behaviour
- Becoming Aware of the World Around Us
- Attention and Perception
Module II: Key Psychological Processes
- Learning Process and Acquiring Skills
- Remembering and Forgetting
- Going Beyond the Reality: Thinking and Reasoning
- Motivation
- Emotions
Module III: Developmental Processes
- Development: Its Nature
- Domains of Development
- Adolescence
- Adulthood and Aging
- Understanding Individual Differences: The case of Intelligence
Module IV: Self and Personality
- What is Self?
- Self and Psychological Processes
- Personality Theories
- Personality Assessment
- Psychological Disorder
Module V: Social and Applied Psychology
- Group Processes
- Person Perception and Interpersonal Attraction
- Man Environment Interaction
- Psychotherapy
- Health Psychology
- Optional module
Module VI: Optional Module
- World of Work
- Education and work
- Career Development
- Vocational Choice and Vocational Adjustment
- Stress and Your Health
- Stress management and Well-Being
Facilitating Early Childhood Education
- Developmental Patterns in Early Childhood
- Play Centre: Objectives
- Play Centre: Structural Details
- Planning and Conducting Programmes
- Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre
Module 1: Sociology: Basic Concepts
- An Introduction to Sociology
- Emergency and Development of Sociology
- Sociology: It Relationship with other Social Sciences
- Methods and Techniques of Research in Sociology
- Social, Community, Association and Institution
- Social Groups
- Social Structure and Social System
- Norms and values
- Status and Role
- Cooperation, Competition and Conflict
- Acculturation, Assimilation & Integration
Module 2: Social Institution and Social Stratification
- Economy, Polity and Religion
- Marriage
- Family
- Kinship
- Economy, Polity and Religion
- Social Stratification: Hierarchy, Differentiation and Inequality
Module 3
- Social Change, Socialisation and Social Control
- Factors of Social Change
- Processes of Social Change
- Socialisation
- Social Control
- Social Deviance
- Society and Environment
Module 4: Indian Society
- Indian Social Thinkers
- Unity and Diversity
- National Integration: Concept and Challenges
- Indian society: Tribal, Rural and Urban
- Caste system in India
- Major Religious Communities in India
- Major Social Problems in India
- Problem of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes
- Problems of Other Deprived Section
Module 5 (a) Status of Women
- Problems of women
- Quest for Equality and Women’s Empowerment
- Historical and Cultural perspectives
- Gender discrimination
Module 5 (b) Culture
- Cultural Pluralism
- Media and Culture
- Culture: concept and characteristics
- Indian Cultural Heritage
- Lesson-1 Prehistoric Painting of India
- Lesson-2 Painting of Indus Valley Civilization
- Lesson-3 Ajanta and Post Ajanta Painting
- Lesson-4 Sculpture of Indus Valley Civilization
- Lesson-5 Mauryan and Post Mauryan Art
- Lesson-6 Medieval Period Painting
- Lesson-7 Mughal Painting
- Lesson-8 Pahari Painting
- Lesson-9 South Indian Painting
- Lesson-10 Company School of Painting
- Lesson-11 Contemporary Art and Artist
- Lesson-12 Fresco and Tempera in Indian Art
- Lesson-13 Drawing and Painting with Dry Medium
- Lesson-14 Mural and Printing
- Lesson-15 Folk and Tribal Art
- Practical-1 Nature Study with Pencil and Colour
- Practical-2 Still Life with Shading
- Practical-3 Portraiture
- Practical-4 Creating Forms of Composition
- Practical-5 Poster Making
- Practical-6 Creating Texture and Printing
- Practical-7 Collage Making
- Practical-8 Applied Art Graphic Design
- Practical-9 Creative Design with Reference to Tribal and Folk Art
- Lesson -1 Nature Study with Pencil and Colour
- Lesson -1 Nature Study with Pencil and Colour
- Lesson -2 Still Life with Shading
- Lesson-3 Portraiture
- Lesson-4 Creative Forms of Composition
- Lesson-5 Poster Making
- Lesson-6 Creating Texture and Printing
- Lesson-7 Collage Making
- Lesson-8 Graphic Design Manual and Digital
Lesson-9 Creative Design with Reference to Tribal and Folk Art
- Basics of Computer
- Operating System
- Basics of Word Processing
- Formatting of Documents
- Mail Merge Public Examination
- Basics of Spreadsheets
- Formatting of Spreadsheets
- Formulas, Functions and Chart
- Creating Presentation
- Internet
Module 1. Accounting: An Introduction
- Accounting: An Introduction
- Accounting Concepts
- Accounting Conventions and Standards
- Accounting for Business Transactions
- Journal
- Ledger
- Cash Book
- Special Purpose Books
Module 2. Trial Balance and Computers
- Trial Balance
- Bank reconciliation Statement
- Bills of Exchange
- Errors and their Rectification
- Computer and Computerised Accounting System
Module 3. Financial statements
- Depreciation
- Provisions and Reserves
- Financial Statements: An Introduction
- Financial Statements -I
- Financial Statements -II
- NPO: An Introduction
- Financial Statements (NPOs)
- Accounts from Incomplete Records
Module 4. Partnership Accounts
- Partnership: An Introduction L-23 Admission of a Partner
- Retirement and Death of a Partner
- Dissolution of a Partnership Firm
Module 5. Company Accounts
- Company An Introduction
- Issue of Debentures
- Issue of Shares
- Forfeiture of Shares
- Reissue of Forfeited Shares
Module 6. Analysis of Financial Statements
- Financial Statement Analysis- An Introduction
- Accounting Ratio-I
- Accounting Ratio- II
- Cash Flow Statement
Module 7. Application of Computers in Financial Accounting
- Electronic Spreadsheet
- Use of spreadsheet in Business
- Graphs and Charts for Business
- Database Management System for Accounting
Class 11 Online School and preparation of Board examination?
CBSE has defined time and rules. Even subjects are limited. In NIOS you have a wide range of subjects. You can choose any language out of 26 language options. There are a lot of choices of subjects. You can skip Science and Mathematics. You can choose subjects as per your career goals. In the Twelfth Board there are no defined subject streams like Since, Arts and Commerce. You can make your own combination of subjects.
Unlike CBSE, exams are conducted twice in a year in NIOS. You can take On Demand Examination any time of the year. You have to just inform your centre that you are ready to take the examination. Vikalp helps you in preparing for these examinations. Students have to apply on their own as application is personalised in nature. Of course, Vikalp will guide you on how to apply. Facilitators of Vikalp will conduct mock tests and prepare students for viva. Since Vikalp method of teaching is Activity-based, practical exams become a cake walk for Vikalp students.
Nonetheless, the Facilitators help students in Record Book Submissions where details of all practical’s are mentioned. It’s important as it contains 20% weightage. Most crucial part of the NIOS Board is Tutor Mark Assignment. Expertise of Vikalp Facilitators is very decisive. They guide students on how the marking is done and how to score in these assignments. Vikalp will ensure that each student gets a Marksheet, Certificate, Provisional Certificate and Migration Certificate from the Board within 6 months after the Result Declaration.